Sunday 6 May 2012


Well, what a wash out! The year got off to a reasonably good start, with march being very warm and sunny, but April was rain, rain and more rain! And so have the first 5 days of may, although today (6/5) has been dry with sunny spells. Due to the weather we haven't been able to do much on the plots in the last couple of weeks, went over today and made the 'maypole' for the runner beans, white lady, which are currently growing in pots in the greenhouse, along with the sweet corn, incredible. Notice my carrots in the small blue bed have germinated, they are early Nantes,I began to think they had been washed away! Covered the bed with debris netting. The broad Beans are just starting to push through too. Still picking purple sprouting broccoli, loads of rhubarb and picked the first proper picking asparagus of the year yesterday, it's been so slow this year due to the wet and cold weather.

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