Thursday 22 April 2010

Plot 59 from the front
This is the Kiwi fruit that Becka bought me for mothers day last year,it is just sprouting back into life.


The victoria plum tree in blossom

canes and wigwam

This week i have put up the canes and wigwam (made using a big wooden pole with a nail in the top, some string and some tent pegs) the runner beans will go up the wigwam and the canes will be used for the alderman peas (they get 5 to 6 foot high). I have sowed 2 packet of parsnips, last year i sowed 1 pack and only 1 seed germinated, hopefully they will do better this year! The radishes I sowed last week are coming up today. I also made a wigwam in the flower bed and have planted the sweet peas around it.

Saturday 17 April 2010

13th April 2010

Decided today that I couldn't wait any longer so I picked the first of the asparagus, it was very nice! I grew some of the crowns from seed in 2008 and planted them out on the plot in March 2009, so this year they are 2 year old crowns so we can pick a few but not too many.

Saturday 10 April 2010

It was a very nice day today weather wise so we managed to get some digging done. The top picture is the broad beans just starting to show through, the middle picture is the peach tree that Mum and Derek have bought me for my birthday and the final picture is the carrot bed covered with enviromesh.

Tuesday 6 April 2010


So here it is, the rainbow I promised Thomas he could paint on the shed! It's a bit messy but I think he did quite a good job.

Monday 5 April 2010


So Easter has been and gone, haven't got much done over the last week or so, the ground has been too wet. Did manage to get the first lot of main crop potates in on easter sunday (05/04), Desiree, 94 tubers in all, 5 rows of 7, 1 row of 5 and 9 rows of 6.

Also sowed the rest of the carrots into the carrot bed and covered it with enviromesh. I have 3 different sorts of carrots in there, Early Nantes, Autumn king 2 and one unknown (it was just a white packet that said carrot), so it could only be 2 sorts because it could have been one of the other two!

Weather is looking good for this week but I have a couple of appointments (typical) so I dont know how much I will get done, might take Thomas over later to ger started on his rainbow.